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How Does Blue Light Glasses Work?

How Does Blue Light Glasses Work?

Being around digital screens constantly is one of the major lifestyle changes we have experienced recently. The way our lives have become irreversibly synced with the devices we use has changed the trajectory of digital dependence in the new age. It is only natural, that long terms effects of the drastic shifts in lifestyle have started to become more evident. The exponential increase in the amount of time spent online has caused significant deterioration in eye health across users.

Blue Light Glasses Work

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of our body, and they are simply not equipped to manage digital exposure of this magnitude over the span of a single day. Therefore, we often squint our eyes after working for eyes, get headaches, and dry eyes. Eye care providers, however, noticed that the lifestyle changes require a definite solution in terms of protective eyewear and introduced blue light glasses. Many people are still sceptical of blue light glasses and often ask: how does blue light glasses work? Let us answer the question in detail.

What does Blue Light Glasses Do?

Blue light glasses often called Blue Cut or Computer glasses are protective eyeglasses designed with the purpose of filtering blue light from digital screens. To understand does blue ray glasses work, one needs to know the basics of blue light and how it is detrimental to ocular health.

The environment, in the daytime, produces natural blue light which governs the circadian rhythm within a person’s body. In basic terms, natural blue light informs the body when the day draws to a close and night falls, which signals the body to produce melatonin (sleep hormone) and fall asleep. The problem lies in the fact that while naturally occurring blue light tells our body when to rest, artificial blue light from digital screens (especially at night) can inhibit the production of sleep hormones and effectively disturb the sleep cycle. Therefore, it does not allow the body to kick into rest mode, causing you to grow more stressed and tired with the ability to not sleep.

How Does Blue Light Glasses Work?

Now that we have understood the detriments of prolonged exposure to artificial blue light, it will be easy to break down how does blue light glasses work. The lenses of a pair of blue light glasses are treated with a special filter that limits the light of certain wavelengths to reach the eye. The wavelengths at which the standard digital screen emits blue light are blocked out by blue light glasses. Moreover, they can limit eye strain even when one is looking at the screen for a prolonged period. Taking care of the eyes has become an important part of our life given the way in which we have changed our relationship with digital screens. Therefore, let us take a closer look at how does blue light blocking glasses work in benefiting you in the long run.

Blue Light Protection: Prolonged exposure to blue or high-energy visible light that is emitted by digital screens is harmful to the eyes. Over a period, it can lead to perpetual headaches, blurred vision, and insomnia. This keeps the eyes healthier for the long run while keeping you stress-free as you work.

Limited Eye Strain: The foremost thing to notice when one asks does blue light filter glasses work is to show how eye strain is reduced even after prolonged digital screens exposure. Focus on harsh light and screens, and text can lead to eye strain-caused afflictions such as irritated eyes, blurred vision, and more. Wearing blue light glasses can mitigate the same by working as a protective barrier between the screen and your eyes.

Protects Sleep Cycle: As aforementioned, being exposed to artificial blue light emitted from devices after sunset can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm and keep you from being able to fall asleep. The fatigue, however, keeps on building within the body, leading you to become stressed and anxious. Therefore, wearing blue light glasses can help you protect your sleep cycle.

Reduces Exposure to Screen Glares: Shifting our eyes over reflective glares, which can be caused by indoor or outdoor light over a digital screen can cause undue eye strain and damage to our eyes in the long run. Most blue light glasses work with anti-glare properties that keep your eyes free from strain while you work.

Increased Productivity: Constant browsing and working on screens can rapidly tire out your eyes but using blue light glasses can keep you from getting tired too early. Rather than nursing headaches and squinting while you work, blue light glasses keep your eyes can stay relaxed and protected through hours of emails and meetings.

Now that the answer to how does anti blue light glasses work has been established, you can choose to buy your own pair for a seamless work-life balance that keeps your eyes healthy as well. For options for the best blue light glasses, you can head over to Fastrack Eyewear and browse their endless collections for the pick of your choice.

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