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Decoding the Difference Between Reading and Computer Glasses

Decoding the Difference Between Reading and Computer Glasses

Often, people get confused about which type of spectacles would be right for them and end up using the wrong spectacles. And take it from the experts, wearing the wrong type of spectacles can harm and strain your eyes badly. Using wrong spectacles can lead to watery, itchy or paining eyes; this hampers the daily work schedules and triggers headaches.

But, all this can be prevented by using the right type of glasses!

What is the right type of glasses?

In times when you need to work on a computer for prolonged hours, computer glasses are used. And if you are a person with active myopia or hyper myopia condition, reading glasses are recommended.

Wearing the wrong type of specs in conditions when one is not aware of the difference between reading glasses and computer glasses can lead to serious repercussions. This can also affect or aggravate your myopia or hyper myopia condition, can disturb your ability to focus, can surface eye diseases, headache issues and whatnot!

So, if you are the one having questions like “can I use computer glasses for reading?” or vice versa, reading this till the end is advised.

When and Why Do You Need Computer Glasses?

Computer glasses are equipped with the right ability to lessen stress on eyes that may arise due to prolonged screen time. These also save from screen glare and make eyes cool and less strained. So, if you’re thinking, ‘can computer glasses be used for reading?’, you might be around the edges. Use these only to read something on a digital screen. While reading a physical book, reading glasses are advised and recommended.

When and Why Do You Need Reading Glasses?

Reading glasses are often used by people with myopia or hyper myopia conditions. As these help in correcting the vision, these help reduce eye pressure and provide better vision. If you are using reading glasses during computer hours, you need to stop now!

Using reading glasses during computer usage time can aggravate eye problems. This would often lead to watery, red and tired eyes.

To understand the right type of glasses for you, let’s first comprehend the difference between reading glasses and computer glasses in detail.

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Difference between reading glasses and computer glasses

● Needs

The first and foremost difference is the need for glasses. Before progressing into the actual difference between reading glasses and computer glasses, one needs to understand what type of glasses they need?

If you are someone needing a prolonged computer or screen exposure, computer glasses will work for you. If you are into reading books, reading glasses are preferred, but if you are someone with vision problems and prolonged computer hours, get yourself blue cut power glasses.

● Protection

Both these types of glasses protect your eyes differently. Reading glass prevents you from the headache you get from reading or if you have some vision problems. Computer glasses, on the other hand, are required if you wish to reduce eye strain, blurry vision and headaches during prolonged computer hours or screen hours.

● Benefits

Both types of glasses provide different benefits, and their respective benefits are key points in the difference between reading glasses and computer glasses.
Benefits of reading glasses: Balances sleep quality, corrects vision and reduces headaches while reading or focussing on physical books.
Benefits of computer glasses: These help optimize eyesight or vision during screen time and reduce glare in times of screen exposure.

We are sure that now you must be aware of the difference between reading glasses and computer glasses. Use the information to pick your ideal spectacles now from Fastrack and get rid of those strained, stressed, tired and red watery eyes.

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