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4 Incredible Specs for Square Face

4 Incredible Specs for Square Face

When it comes to specs for square faces, what comes to your mind immediately? Round frames and boring old looks? Well, it does not have to be so uninteresting. A square face can be accessorized in many ways. Surely, round specs frame for square face is the tried and tested option. But you can do more. Do not believe it? Check out these four incredible specs for square face. Let us also take a closer look at the square face shape, its features, and why you should choose certain styles over others.

Square Face Women Wearing Large Round Specs

What are the features of a square face shape?

A square face shape is defined by a long hairline and a strong, chiseled jawline. Some of the other features include prominent cheekbones, angular jawline, pointed cheeks, and broad forehead. With these telltale features of the square face shape, you can look at specs for square face designs that best suit you.

4 Incredible Specs for Square Face

Browline Frames: When it comes to specs for square faces, browline frames provide a great look that is hard to match. Browline frames are unisex and can be worn with style by everyone with a square face. The signature look of browline frames with the thick top frame creates a fun formal look that is still versatile. If you are trying out specs for square faces, this is probably the best choice.

Cat’s Eye Frames: Cat’s eye frames are best suited for girls. These specs frame for square face add a touch of roundness and softness to a sharp face. Cat’s eye frames create a look that is hard to match with other frames, thanks to their unique design. However, the versatility of this frame is such that you can make your face look sharper by choosing frames that have pointed angles or extended temples.

Oval Frames: When you are looking at specs for square faces, it is crucial to choose frames that suit and compliment your features while also balancing them. Oval frames achieve it all while also giving you a sharp look that is soft around the edges. These frames gently soften your features which might otherwise look very sharp. For the best look, you should choose frames that have a spark of bright colors to complete your dashing look.

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Round Frames: Yes, last but not least, round frames are the most popular specs for square face frames out there. They are popular and well-loved for the reason that they create an adorable and attractive look. Suitable for all genders, round frames can be a terrific way for you to soften the sharp features of your face. You can style these frames with all fashion choices, be it formal or casual, making them your go-to choice in your everyday wear routines.

So, these are some of the best specs designs that you can use to accentuate your look with a square face shape. It should be noted that square face shapes are quite versatile, and you can go for other specs for square face designs, as long as they are not square or rectangular frames. To add a touch of trend, you can go for the frame styles mentioned above in trendy modern colors to add that jazz to your face. However, it is in your best interest to still steer away from light colors. Lastly, always be sure to purchase your specs from popular and respectable brands such as Fastrack, Titan, etc., to ensure you get the best quality specs that last you the longest. So, what are you waiting for? Begin your exploration for the right frame today!

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