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3 Natural Ways to Maintain Good Eyesight

3 Natural Ways to Maintain Good Eyesight

Self-care comes in many forms. As we age, we tend to pay more attention to the food we eat, the lifestyle we lead, and the way our body changes with time. It is always important to maintain one’s physical well-being, as with time our body grows more susceptible to health problems. Since our eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, they also need special care, especially in the context of our high-stress lifestyles.

Father & Daughter posing with Good eye sight

Good eyesight is a boon most people are blessed with but often lose as they grow older. It is the natural course of life, where the muscles around the eyes begin to lose their ability to focus without error and delay. In the lifestyles we lead today, with the number of digital screens we are surrounded by, our eyes have had to accommodate more activity and strain than usual. This takes a toll on our eyesight, which is why it is important to remember tips for maintaining good eyesight for long-term health and well-being. Therefore, let us take a closer look at some of the natural ways you can maintain your eyesight.

Maintaining Good Eyesight: The Basics

The key to striving for good eyesight is to remember that there is no way to simply focus on eye health and having the right foods for eye health. Our body maintains a complex ecosystem within itself, where fitness cannot be targeted for one organ. One must maintain the right diet and lifestyle which is beneficial for the whole body, and that in effect will naturally lead to good eyesight and optimal eye health.

It is important to remember that natural tips and a healthy diet cannot reverse existing eye conditions such as myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, or hyperopia. These problems can only be corrected through invasive surgery or with the help of contact lenses/eyeglasses. Gradual degeneration of the eye muscles, however, has proven to respond well to nutrients and healthier lifestyle choices. To better understand how one can keep their eyes healthy, here are some tips for maintaining good eyesight, and the best food for eyes in one list:

Switch to Healthy Food for Better Eye Health

One of the leading problems in the overall health and physical well-being of the masses is undiagnosed vitamin deficiencies. Ocular health, much like the other organs in our body is directly dependent on our vitamin levels. The vitamins that are instrumental for good eyesight and are found in the best food for eye health are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, and Lutein.

Vitamin A is one of the more popular vitamins known to benefit ocular health and be the foundation of good eyesight. They are often categorized under Retinoids. Retinol, which is a type of Vitamin is used by retinal cells of the eye to produce the pigment Rhodopsin. This pigment is instrumental to the rod cells of the eye to see in low light. Deficiency of the same often leads to eye problems such as night blindness and dryness. Some of the best foods for eye health rich in Vitamin A are Sweet Potatoes, Liver, Carrots, Papaya, Eggs, Milk, and Pumpkin.

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is one of the most essential nutrients for the human body because of its healing properties. They have been proven to be beneficial to reversing and combating the onset of cataracts, delaying macular degeneration and age-related eye-sight decline. Some of the Vitamin C-rich foods to consume for the best eyesight are, Oranges, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Lemon.

Lutein is one of the most important carotenoids essential to good eyesight. It is related to Vitamin A and beta-carotene. It harbours the ability to slow down macular degeneration, hold off cataracts and even filter blue light from digital screens. Therefore, some of the best food for eyesight improvement that is rich in Lutein, are Egg Yolks, Broccoli, Kale, and Corn.

Staying Fit

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that occur in overweight or obese people. The fluctuation in sugar levels causes damage not only to blood vessels in vital organs but also to the eyes. The damage to blood vessels in the eyes caused by sugar is called Diabetic Retinopathy. Therefore, one needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle with ample exercise to stay at the right weight and get their sugar levels checked occasionally to make sure they have good eyesight.

Protective Eyewear

One’s lifestyle is one of the most important things to keep in mind wanting to maintain good eyesight. Therefore, if you are constantly near harsh chemicals, debris, or are around projectiles, investing in protective eyewear such as polycarbonate goggles always benefits in the long run.

Sunglasses are a natural extension of this solution as they also protect the eyes from the UV radiation of the sun and mitigate problems such as early-onset cataracts, macular degeneration, eye strain, and more. Therefore, tips for maintaining good eyesight are incomplete without having the right diet replete with foods and fruits good for eyes.

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